About Noanie                                                                       

Noanie has been an air force wife for 24 years and has always believed 
in the 2 for 1 deal (as they call it) of volunteering her whole time to the 
Air Force helping her fellow troops where ever she has gone.

Noanie has literally lived from sea to shining sea, by being stationed in Montana, California, North Dakota, Illinois, New Jersey, Alabama and lived overseas in Turkey, Germany, South Korea and the Azores for 10 of those years. 

Noanie has been involved with Family services, Chapel activities, squadron activities especially supporting the young spouses through monthly group meetings to keep morale and info up. 

Her husband always jokes that she literally has cooked for an army  
or... an air force he would say. 

Just an example of one of Noanie's past projects... In South Korea her 
squadron was assigned to help an orphanage of deaf children, many 
with developmental disabilities. With the help of her husband & squadron, 
she made a huge difference in the lives of the kids. 

Noanie at South Korean Orphanage for Deaf Children


Unpacking boxes of toys collected for deaf orphans in South Korea

Noanie championed a toy raising campaign and had family and friends
collect and mail to her literally hundreds of toys which were distributed
at the orphanage. 

Now Noanie's project (Operation Band Aid) is to spread the word on how 
to help our troops overseas, how to "visit" our wounded... 

Thank you everyone for caring for our troops, they need our prayers, support and love.....  Love to you all, Noanie


WE CAN DO IT! Help Wounded Soldiers! Click for larger image!Join Noanie.com in spreading the word about 
support resources available to help our troops 
and their loved ones. Tell your friends about Noanie.com! 




Let's Support our Troops! Together, we CAN do it! 


serves as a directory of links to resources that help those serving (or who have served) in the armed forces and their loved ones. Noanie.com does not guarantee the accuracy of info contained within the web site nor guarantees the accuracy of content in web sites that are linked to and referenced on this site. Noanie.com reserves the right to refuse displaying any link or ad that we feel does not conform to the content of our website or at our discretion. NOANIE.COM is NOT endorsed by the United States Military, the Department of Defense, The United States Government or any other federal, state, church, religious or military governing body or agency and is NOT a registered nonprofit group. Noanie.com is privately funded by Noanie and the webmaster. We do not ask for donations to keep the site running. Thanks for visiting! Please spread the word! NOTE: If there is a graphic on this website with a copyright, please e-mail the webmaster letsroll4liberty@yahoo.com who will gladly remove the file. Thank-you!


















































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